



Macedonian greetings vs Latvian greetings

1 Greetings
1.1 Hello
Здраво (Zdravo)
1.2 Thank You
Благодарам (Blagodaram)
1.3 How Are You?
Како си? (Kako si?)
Kā jums klājas?
1.4 Good Night
Добра ноќ (Dobra nok)
Ar labunakti
1.5 Good Evening
Добра вечер (Dobra večer)
1.6 Good Afternoon
Добар ден (Dobar den)
1.7 Good Morning
Добро утро (Dobro utro)
1.8 Please
Ве молиме (Ve molime)
1.9 Sorry
жал (žal)
1.10 Bye
Чао (Čao)
Uz redzēšanos
1.11 I Love You
Те сакам (Te sakam)
Es tevi mīlu
1.12 Excuse Me
Извинете ме (Izvinete me)

Greetings in Macedonian and Latvian

Macedonian greetings vs Latvian Greetings help you to learn some formal and informal phrases that are useful in Macedonian and Latvian speaking countries.Learning few basic greetings in Macedonian and Latvian helps to make good impression on people and also makes us feel confident. You can also learn Macedonian vs Latvian alphabets.

Please in Macedonian and Latvian

When you want to request someone for something then it is necessary to say please. But if you don't know how to say please in Macedonian and Latvian then it disappointing. So, Macedonian Greetings vs Latvian greetings helps us to learn please in Macedonian and Latvian language.

  • Please in Macedonian : Ве молиме (Ve molime).
  • Please in Latvian : lūdzu.

In some situations, if you need to apologize then Macedonian greetings vs Latvian greetings provides to say sorry in Macedonian and Latvian language.

  • Sorry in Macedonian : жал (žal).
  • Sorry in Latvian : Piedodiet!.

You can also learn useful phrases of Best Languages to Learn.

How are you in Macedonian and Latvian

After you say hello to someone then you will want to ask how are you? And if you wish to know what's how are you in Macedonian and Latvian then Macedonian greetings vs Latvian greetings helps you.

  • How are you in Macedonian is Како си? (Kako si?).
  • How are you in Latvian is Kā jums klājas?.

Even though greetings remain same in almost all the dialects of the language, their pronunciations and accents vary from each dialect to dialect. Know more about such dialects on Macedonian vs Latvian Dialects.

Other Macedonian and Latvian Greetings

Are you finding few more Macedonian greetings vs Latvian greetings? So let's compare other Macedonian and Latvian greetings.

  • Good Morning in Macedonian is Добро утро (Dobro utro).
  • Good Night in Macedonian is Добра ноќ (Dobra nok).
  • Good Morning in Latvian is Labrīt.
  • Good Night in Latvian is Ar labunakti.