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Languages with more than 99 Alphabets

Found 1 Languages...!

Total No. Of Dialects
Native Speakers
70.00 million
Language Levels
Time Taken to Learn
44 weeks
How Many People Speak
Not Available

About languages with more than 99 Alphabets

Here you will get all about languages with more than 99 Alphabets you are looking for. There are 1 languages with more than 99 Alphabets which are listed above. On www.languagecomparison.com you will get detailed information of any language you want. Languages enable us to engage socially. Learning any language includes proficiency in : reading, writing and talking. When we develop good listening and speaking skills then we often find it easier to learn to read and write. Based on no. of alphabets, vowels and consonants, levels in language, and time required to learn that language you can decide which language you want to learn.

All languages with more than 99 Alphabets

Language is source of communication which is used to pass information within humans. Get all languages with more than 99 Alphabets right over here. Languages built up relations within humans. Tamil, etc. are some of the languages with more than 99 Alphabets. Language is the vehicle that our thoughts, emotions and cultures are conveyed to others. Learn alphabets, vowels and consonants, how many people speak that language in percentage and in million.

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